Google chrome ad blocker beta
Google chrome ad blocker beta

google chrome ad blocker beta

In 2019, Miagkov was co-author of an EFF report (opens in new tab) that said "Manifest V3 is a blunt instrument that will do little to improve security while severely limiting future innovation."

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"The reasons they have stated publicly don't fully make sense." "Our criticism still stands," said Alexei Miagkov, senior staff technologist at the Electronic Frontier Foundation, to The Register (opens in new tab). Some experts, however, aren’t convinced that this is about user security or privacy. Many of the extensions abused the powers they held under Manifest V2 to spy on users and steal sensitive information. That's certainly a legitimate concern, as malicious browser extensions have been r unning rampant in the Chrome Web Store in the past few years, although Google seems to have been doing a better job of policing extensions during 2021. Google says the revision of the Chrome browser extension framework will address security issues, a claim it made when Manifest V3 was first introduced in 2019. There's a more detailed timeline posted here (opens in new tab). Li said Google will share more details as these dates draw closer. Sometime in January 2023, Chrome will no longer run Manifest V2 extensions at all.

Google chrome ad blocker beta